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Monday, 23 March 2015

Series Points After Round 1

Following are the points after Round 1 of the SA Climbing Series.  M = Masters, Y = Youth, I = Intermediate & Beginner.  If you have an issues, pls message me on facebook.

Remember....you need to be an SCA member PRIOR to being able to earn points at each round.

NOTE: Points below amended to include Luke Vianello.


Trent Searcy
Ali Roush
Jarrad Searcy
Ali Carter
Josh Wade
Taylor Nelson
Patrick Williams
Sally Shinkfield
Kostya Khudoshin
Isobel Taylor Y 51
Pat Heppner

Simon Harris

Giancarlo Costagliola

Justin Taylor M 38

Callum Banks Y 36

Simon Wilson M 36

Luke Vianello I 34

Jake Parker I 33

Guy Moore I 32

Harry Becher I 31

Dylan Hoskin I 30

Ryan Evans I 29

Robert Long I 28

Taiyne Kennett Y 27

Wednesday, 4 March 2015

Calendar and Points System

2015 SA Climbing Series Calendar

The calendar of events in the 2015 SA Climbing Series is almost finalised, and it looks like it will be a full year!  The draft calendar is below.  There might be some movement in the dates to accommodate the National Rope and Boulder Titles.

UPDATE: 21/5/2015 - Updated Round 5 to be State Bouldering Titles, and Round 9 moved from Sun 8th Nov to Sat 7th Nov. 

UPDATE 2: 21/5/2015 - Round 7 moved from 11th Oct to 27th Sep due to date-clash.

15th March
3rd May
14th June
12th July
26th July
6th Sep
27th Sep
25th Oct
Southern Boulder
7th Nov

It is planned that Round 2 will also be the SA Rope Titles, and a qualifier for the National Rope Titles.  

* The SA Bouldering Titles (and qualifier for the National's) will be Round 5.

Immediately following Round 9, at Southern Boulder, there will be the Series Awards presentation and end of Series celebration.

Series Points System

Competitors (who are Sports Climbing SA members) will earn points towards the SA Climbing Series at all the events listed in the calendar above.  Points will be allocated on your outright finish position, with Open competitors ranked first, followed by all other competitors (ie. Intermediate, Masters and Juniors).  There will be separate Male and Female rankings.  Points for each finish position are:

Place Points
Place Points
Place Points
1 100
16 30
31 15
2 80
17 29
32 14
3 65
18 28
33 13
4 55
19 27
34 12
5 51
20 26
35 11
6 47
21 25
36 10
7 44
22 24
37 9
8 41
23 23
38 8
9 38
24 22
39 7
10 36
25 21
40 6
11 35
26 20
41 5
12 34
27 19
42 4
13 33
28 18
43 3
14 32
29 17
44 2
15 31
30 16
45+ 1
Your best 7 results count towards your Series points (so you can drop 2 Rounds).

The above system allows competitors to move up from Junior, Intermediate or Masters into Open and they keep the points they have earned so far.  However, a masters competitor will NOT earn points towards the Masters Series Category for an event if they enter Open for that event.  This also applies for Juniors and Intermediates.

There will be Open, Masters, Junior and Intermediate category Series awards at the end of the year.

Master and Juniors wanting to qualify for the Nationals will need to qualify in the category they are qualify for at the State Titles event.  So for example, some Masters competitors may enter the Open category for some events, but they will enter Masters in order to qualify for the Masters category at the Nationals.

Sunday, 1 March 2015

SA Climbing Series Update

Hi Everyone - an update on the SA Climbing Series...

Organising Group 

The group making this happen is Adam Clay, Ali Roush, Andrea Torrealba, Brett Mulder, Paul Kinnane, Trent Searcy and Trevor Pearce. If you have any positive (or negative) feedback, sponsorship ideas, want to help out, etc, please talk to any one of us and your comments will be fed back to the rest of the group.

Series Rounds 

The calendar for the year will be published shortly. It is planned that there will be 2 roped events and 7 boulder events. The first round of the series is at ABC on the 15th March. You will earn points towards the series at this event, so even if you are unsure if you will enter the whole series, make sure to enter this event so at least you get some points to start the year if you decide later to commit to all events.  Events will be held at Vertical Reality Climbing, Adelaide's Bouldering Club and Southern Boulder.

Points System 

You can earn points at all of the Series rounds (so make sure you enter Round 1 on the 15th).  Entrants in all categories (Open, Junior, Intermediate and Masters) will score points, with entrants in Open scoring more points than those in the other categories.  The points score system will be very closely aligned to the systems used internationally.  We will publish full details of the points system in the next few weeks.

Event Format

This is still being finalised, however for the bouldering events the likely format will be a 2hr Open qualifier session (BoulderBash format), followed by a BoulderFest for Intermediate, Junior and Masters, followed by the Open finals.

We are very exciting by the Series, and the feedback so far from competitors and sponsors has been overwhelming - so join us for a great year!